1. End of following month Payment of tax deducted from employees salary (PAYE).
2. Payment of special contribution for defense on dividends and interest received in the preceding
30 January
1. Final deadline for the avoidance of penalty of 5 percent for the payment of corporation tax based on the tax return of the penultimate year, if not paid on 1 August of previous year.
2. Submission of declaration of deemed dividend distribution (IR 623) for the year ended 31 December two years ago.
31 January
1. Submission of declaration of deemed dividend distribution (IR 623) for the year ended 31 December two years ago.
30 April
- 1. Submission of the previous year personal returns of individuals where their gross income arises exclusively from salaried services - see note (1) below.
- 2. Payment of premium tax for life insurance companies - First installment.
- 3. Submission by employers of the total payroll/analysis of the previous year ( Form IR 7)
30 June
- 1. Submission of previous year personal returns of individuals not preparing audited financial statements - see notes (1) and (2) below.
- 2. Payment of personal tax under self-assessment method.
- 3. Payment of special contribution for defense for the first six months of the year.
1 August
- 1. Submission of provisional tax declaration and payment of first installment of provisional tax for the year.
- 2. Payment of previous year’s final corporation tax under the self-assessment method.
- 3. Payment of previous year’s income tax under the self assessment method by individuals preparing audited financial statements - see note (2).
31 August
- 1. Payment of premium tax for life insurance companies - second installment.
31 December
- 1. Payment of provisional tax - second instalment.
- 2. Payment of defence tax contribution on deemed distribution of dividend.
- 3. Payment of special contribution for defense for the last six months of the year.
- 4. Payment of premium tax for life insurance companies - third and last installment.
- 5. Submission of the previous year’s audited financial statements and tax returns.
Interest and Penalties
In addition to the interest, a penalty is also charged depending on the circumstances.
(1) Physical persons submit returns only when their gross income exceeds €19.500.
(2) A physical person is obliged to submit audited financial statements if his/her turnover exceeds €68.344 annually.